Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Jobs I've held-
1. Principal at East Layton Elementary
2. Principal at Sunset Elementary
3. Teacher at Monte Vista
4. Data Entry for the LDS church
5. "Gofer" for Evans Advertising

Places I want to go for a weekend getaway-
1. Coeur D'Laine, Idaho
2. Park City
3. Moab
4. New York
5. Disneyland with the grand kids

Movies I can watch over and over again-
I love OLD movies, even black and white, anything from the 30's and 40's. Rebecca is a favorite.

My guilty pleasures-
1. Michael and I love to go to an early movie on Friday nights, grab a bite, come home early, and beat the crowds.
2. Reading before going to sleep but I always have to tickle Michael's back and it is hard to juggle a book while doing this. This is the only way he will let me keep the light on late!
3. Hires hamburgers and fries.
4. Cummings chocolates, Glo got me started on this.
5. Running and biking with friends and going to school late in the summer.

Places I have lived-
1. Farmington, Utah
2. Bountiful, Utah
3. Springville, Utah
That's it! I know I am limited but I have had 3 different houses in Farmington if that counts.

First things I thought when I saw my significant other-
I thought that he was a sharp dresser, very cool, nice looking and acting. I also thought he looked at me a little too closely since I was dating his best friend.

Places I have been on vacation-
1. Hong Kong/China/Korea (one trip)
2. Switzerland
4. Hawaii
5. Moab

Favorite Foods-
1. Maddox
2. Mandarin
3. Market Street Grill
4. El Farol
5. Cinegrill

If in a jam with my spouse, what tactics do I use to get out of the doghouse-
I am never in a doghouse for long. We just talk--no tactics.

Websites I visit daily-
All my favorite blog sites.
DSD mail

Best kiss landmark-
All kisses from Michael.
Kisses from my grandkids.

Places I'd rather be right now-
1. Hiking in Moab
2. New York with all my daughters and daughters-in-law
3. Holy Lands with Michael
4. Maui with Michael


The Back Row Pew said...

I cannot believe that you would forget your fabulous career move of "assistant terry cloth head band maker"...where we lost money after we shared the money, replaced sewing maching needs and bought lunch and got a speeding ticket taking them back to the factory. Also, hard to forget is our joint career with the Japanese students.

Anonymous said...

I bet you would rather be at Disneyland with the Thackers too!!! We can't wait!

Mama Mia said...

LOL I love the memory of Terry Cloth Headband production in our basement! What about Omaha NE mom? Ha! Ha! Wishful thinking!

Anonymous said...

You didn't tag anyone?

Anonymous said...

Julie, you brought back many memories I think I had tried to forget. Why did we do that???!! The Olivia Newton-John sweat bands were awful but the Japanese were mostly good memories. Maeve, I tag you. I also forgot that I went to Omaha, New York, and Sydney, Australia!

Anonymous said...

Mom you are supposed to tag four people...