Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I am very blessed in my life to have some amazing friends. These flowers are from my friend of 36 years, Sally. Fran came into our lives soon after and we have been tight ever since. We have shared celebrations, heartaches, laughter, joy, advice, and spiritual support. We have been next door neighbors and have lived close and far, but through all the years we still get together to share our love of our families and of each other.

I also think I have set a record. Lynne and I have run together for almost thirty years. Camille joined us shortly after and we have been running consistently ever since. Recently, Jaci, Shauna, and Jackie have joined us one or two days a week. Most mornings you will find us running and walking the Bonneville Shoreline trail or biking by Farmington Bay and Buffalo Ranch. We have done this through pregnancies, now grandchildren, rain, deep snow, two marathons, the Baer Gutsman, the dark (we use headlamps and flashlights in winter months), through trying times and joyous times. We solve many of the worlds problems and many of our own by sharing with each other. They sustain and strengthen me.


Mama Mia said...

Oh the flowers are beautiful! Sally always comes up with something so thoughtful! You have great friends... all of them!

Ty said...

Ya, your friends are pretty great. You forgot to bring up the fact that they have always had this instantaneous network of communication that basically relayed things that I had worked hard to hide from you throughout Junior High and High School. Props to the early morning chatter boxes!

Anonymous said...

The flowers are beautiful. Looks like you have had a good birthday.

Weber said...

Beth, Happy Belated Birthday. I hope you had a great day.

Johnston Family said...

Beautiful Flowers! I am glad you are surrounded by such wonderful people for friends! I love Ty's comment!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and learning what's going on in your busy life! What a complete and total gift it was to run into you and Mia at Paradise Bakery in Bountiful a couple of weeks ago! We were meant to be friends, don't ya think? I love you so much, Beth, always have -- always will!