Saturday, February 23, 2008



Carly is 23 years old today and she has packed so much into a very short time. This will be the first birthday that I have not spent with my baby girl and it is very emotional for me. (Thanks Ty and Holly for having us to dinner--it will really help.) Carly had a rough beginning and we almost lost her to Hyaline Membrane Disease, but through faith and prayer and bartering with a Higher Power, Carly recovered.

Carly has always had advanced thinking skills. When she was four years old she asked me. "Who is Heavenly Father's Father?" (Anyone? anyone? with an answer for that?) When she was five, she asked me where our dog, L.A.'s, belly button was? The whole family looked and we couldn't find one!

Carly, I am so sorry that you thought the present shown above was a super-powered Barbie Car when it was really a filing cabinet! I think Dad and I have made it up to you by providing the finest dance instruction anywhere with Ballet West Conservatory, a summer of dancing in Seattle with the Pacific Northwest Ballet, and a month in Europe!
I am so proud of Carly and the way she tackles life unafraid. She has always sought adventure and learning new things: working in Maine, spending spring break doing humanitarian service, rock climbing, learning Spanish, and now helping native Ecuadorian Indians to improve their lives.

Things I miss while Carly is in Ecuador:

1. Snuggling on the couch.

2. Editing her college papers.

3. Oliver

4. Talking and laughing with her.

5. Coming home to find her working on her laptop in the family room.

6. Her total honesty and non judgmental opinions.

7. Sharing world events with a girl who does not listen to talk radio, have a T.V. or newspaper.

8. Long discussions in my bedroom while Oliver "grazes."

9. Kisses and hugs.

10. Being with Carly and Oliver.

Dad and I love you very much and
we can't wait to be with you!


SUMMER said...

I remember the filing cabinet for her birthday story!!! That is such a great one!!! I may have to get Haven something that Bryan and I need just for the memory and story!!! Happy B-day Car!!! Be safe and have fun on your trip!!!
P.S. I had no idea she was so sick as a little baby!

Carly said...

thanks mom. we miss you too, but we are half way!

Molly said...

Happy Birthday Carly...I hope somehow you get some sort of cake or treat today!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Car!

Mama Mia said...

Easton and I were laughing about the belly button story!!! Fun post mom! We love Carly! Happy Birthday!

Glenda said...

Happy Birthday Carly! What a great Birthday post and what a special girl you are to more than you realize! Hope your celebration was unforgetful!!

The Back Row Pew said...

Happy Birthday Carly !! It seems like just yesterday that I went up to LDS hospital to see you with all those tubes. That was a very scary time, but look how well things turned out. I'm sure your Equadorian Birthday will be one you soon won't forget. HB !! We love you!

Parry's said...

Happy Birthday! I loved all the stuff I learn on these blogs.

spenceandcass said...

Happy Birthday Carly! Beth, we miss your little girl too. Good seeing you in church today. Maybe one day I'll have you give me the "feminine mystique" lecture. I probably need to hear it.

cat.janer said...

Beth I'm so glad I have found your blog! I thought the filing cabinet was for Christmas...I've got my Carly history all backwards. But, by the way, I've never been so jealous of a gift in my life.

The Funderburks said...

Maeve told me the story a while ago about young Carly getting office furniture for her birthday! Hilarious. Happy Birthday Carly!

Marci + Dan said...

I love the ballet picture of Carly - so glad I got to experience the ballet world with her.