Thursday, February 7, 2008


I can't stand that Mitt is out of the race and I can't stand that McCain and Huckabee are still in!!
It is just too much this week to have to lose a Prophet and lose our only hope for a "profit"!

1. He is anti-Mormon (i.e. his 90 year-old mother's public rant on the Mormons was vicious and so mean spirited. He responded by laughing!). I know he put her out there to say things that he couldn't and be politically correct.
2. He is OLD.
3. He distorted and lied about Mitt's position on several issues.
4. He conspired with Huckabee to keep in the race and drain off votes for Mitt.
5. His wife shows waaay too much cleavage.
6. His wife looks like his mother (who has a pinched, mean face).
7. He is not conservative.
8. He was not a leader in the military, he just happened to get captured. (I will give him credit for enduring the time as a POW.)
9. He can't win.
10. He's supportive of Huckabee who is blatantly anti-Mormon.
See list above.


Ty said...

11. McCain and Huckabee are simply BIGOTS. Neither one of them has even a chance at the presidency. Great job Republican Party! You have now successfully elected the two biggest losers in politics.

Ty said...

12. Let us all pray that Bloomberg decides to run independantly so that McCrappy does not have a marginal chance of winning anything. Down with the BIGOT.

The Back Row Pew said...

Ditto to all those reasons !! I just hope Mitt runs in 2012 !!

The Back Row Pew said...
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Carly said...

First off all ...the waayyy too much cleavage was by far my favorite reason, and second of all...I think we are all voting for Obama.

Carly said...

Oliver just got very upset with me for saying that I am going to vote for Obama... Oliver says he is still voting for Republican.

Oliver said...

Why would you change ideals because the person that you wanted be president did not make it. Yes Mit was a great canidate but the ideal that he stood for is what you should be voting for. To change from a conservative to one of the most liberal canidates is not voting for ideals but for revenge and other motives. Dont vote for obama to get back at other people vote according to what the people stand for!!!

Oliver said...
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Carly said...

You should feel blessed mom, Oliver doesn't even comment on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for Obama!

Mama Mia said...

We are sick! To vote or not vote that is the question???

Anonymous said...

Are you guys serious?

Even though I don't agree with Oliver politically, I completely agree with what he said.

If this was for SBO President then some of these reasons for voting for someone or not voting for someone would make sense but this is the President of the US, and you have to look past certain things about their personal life, personal beliefs, etc. and look at the big picture.

Anonymous said...

Brad and Oliver (The Idealists): I was being lighthearted or lightminded with some of my comments. My ideals do not fit John McCain's ideals. McCain's ideals also do not match the Republican Party. His leadership would change the look of conservatism (driving it farther to the center than it already is). I would rather have one term of Obama, (who would probably do some good things for education)and when the economy tanks, the true conservatives would unite and win it back. Better than 20 years of McCain-like leadership. My ideals do not allow me to vote for someone like McCain (unless Mitt was his Vice Presidential partner), party doesn't matter to me. Wait and see.

Glenda said...

I have been mad and made myself sick about this also! And I plan to vote for Obama, unless something changes, we will see!! I agree with all of your 10 reasons totally!! Maybe Mitt could be Vice Pres. for Mcain and then Mcain could die suddenly and there you go!!!

Mama Mia said...

I like Glenda's plan!

Anonymous said...

"Bruce The Realist"
Everyone has ED(Electile Dysfunction)! The two flameing Democates are still for killing babies, against guns that don't kill, people kill people. Against business. They want a national heathcare plan. They should move Canada and see how well that works. I think i'll vote for Ann Coulter.

Johnston Family said...

I have a theory that McCain is actually married to his mother. They look closer in age than his current Barbie doll wife. How many wives has McCain had? Not sure he is in accordance with the Church's Proclamation to the World regarding the family, but then again show me a presidential candidate that is. Maybe I will take Bruce's advise and give Canada a trial run. Or Olivers and move to Ecuador. Most likely I will just forget about politics and just go golfing? Tiger for President!!!!!!


Johnston Family said...

Democrats don't kill babies, people kill babies...same as guns.
Happy voting!

Johnston Family said...


See the youtube link below. If you side with Ann Coulter, then you are voting for Hilary.

Moose said...

Lisa, I agree with you saying people kill babies. Democrates allow people to kill babies which is against our religion. You sound like you are pro baby killing?

Moose said...
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Johnston Family said...

Bruce, I agree with you saying people kill people. Republicans allow people to kill people with guns which is against our religion. You sound like you are pro people killing?

Carly said...

Mom. I think it is time for a new post.

SUMMER said...

Can you even believe all this? I am SICK about it!!!

corryfever said...

Obama has my vote! McCain left his first wife after she became a cripple, pig!