These are Maeve's shoes and I have always liked them...
So when we saw these on sale at Lolabella's, she told me I had to buy them....
They felt great in the store, but when I tried to wear them, they were tight so I told Maeve to wear them and stretch them out for me. Hers fit me perfectly. We traded for a while. Soon both pair were in my closet! Does this mean I get to have both which feel perfectly comfortable now? Did Maeve just forget to take hers? I don't know but I am wearing both of them and this is what is happening...
MEN ask me where I got my kidding.
TEENIE BOPPERS ask me where I got my shoes.
PEOPLE IN CARS stop in the middle of the road and ask me where I got my shoes. (This really happened while I was doing bus duty in front of my school!)
But the funniest thing is that all the kids at school call them my "HAPPY SHOES!" (after a hug of course).